The Abaco Life

I was sitting on a bar stool completely engrossed in lively conversation when the unexpected happened. One minute I was learning local slang words and the next, I looked up and – muddasick -there was a taut young butt gyrating wirh rhythmic speed in front of me.

Pool Bar
Pool Bar


I hadn’t seen it coming. With soca monarch winner Machel Montano’s music thumping loudly through the speakers, I certainly hadn’t heard it coming. Yet there it was, a mere touch away.

I resisted the crazy impulse to slap it. And the clichéd move of reaching into my wallet for a dollar bill to toss it.

Honestly, my restraint was due mostly to propriety; not modesty. I was among business colleagues and the butt in question belonged to someone I had met while island-hopping that day. The young man was a fireball of positive and uninhibited energy so when he invited my group to the resort’s popular Tuesday night karaoke party, we agreed to go.

Watch the clip below to get a glimpse of the behind the bar action.

The night was ton loads of fun but admittedly, I got much more than I bargained for.

First, there was that attention-grabbing, ‘Oh no, is this really happening to me right now?’ lap dance. And second, I was cleverly cajoled into playing lead ‘vocalist’ in a hastily arranged trio meant to rescue the Michael Jackson’s 1982 song Pretty Young Thing from total butchering at the hands of well-intentioned teens. More YouTube and Vine than MTV generation, they weren’t even born when that Billboard hit ruled the charts.

Don’t get me wrong though, I am not complaining.

island hopping in The Abacos
island hopping in The Abacos

I deliberately shared that story to say this: that impromptu, light-hearted and double-over-with-uncontrollable-laughter scenario summed up the essence of what I came to know as ‘The Abaco Life’. You can’t read about it or simply hear about it. It is something you must experience.

The fabric that holds #TheAbacoLife together is a beautiful tapestry of unscripted moments, uncomplicated and fun-loving interactions, and the quintessential less-is-more philosophy that ultimately leads to true quality of life.

I’m serious. The Out Island spirit is delightfully infectious. It will make you smile inside and out.