Statues of Liberty outside of New York

Did you know that the Statue of Liberty, that iconic New York landmark that initially served as a beacon of hope and opportunity for immigrants seeking a better life in America, is not the only one that exists?  There are at least seven replicas in France and others in Austria, Germany, Kosovo, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Japan and China.

Lady Liberty in Paris
Lady Liberty in Paris

I ran across a small one in the Jardin du Luxembourg during my second trip to Paris. It was moved in 2012 to the entrance of the Musée d’Orsay and now there is a bronze one in its place. You can find it on the northeast corner of the park near the Rue Guynemer entrance.

It’s a great photo op if you are looking for something a little different to the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower!



For a complete list of statue locations around the world, click here.