11 colorful expressions only a Jamaican would understand

Jamaican Countryside

Are you traveling to Jamaica soon and would like nothing more than to get off the beaten tourist track to immerse yourself in more authentic experiences? Well, if that’s the case, take note of the following Jamaican proverbs so you can impress the locals with some ‘yaad-approved’ jargon. Local interactions_Jamaica

Saying: One one cocoa full basket.
Translation: One cocoa at a time fills the basket.
Meaning: Every little bit adds up. Be patient, sometimes growth and/or success takes time.

Saying: De higha monkey climb de more him expose.
Translation: The higher a monkey climbs, the more he is exposed.
Meaning: Increased success leads to greater scrutiny and criticism.

Saying: Fire deh a mus-mus tail him tink a cool breeze.
Translation: Fire is by a rat’s tail and he thinks he’s feeling a cool breeze.
Meaning: Trouble is brewing and you’re unaware of it.

Saying: Give him an inch, him tek a mile.
Translation: Give someone an inch, he takes a whole mile.
Meaning: A person who demands additional courtesies even when the kindness that’s already been extended has been very generous.

Saying: Wha’ sweet nanny goat a go run him belly.
Translation: The thing that a female goat might find appetizing might also give her the runs.
Meaning: You can have too much of a good thing. Do not overindulge in things that could be harmful. Green foliage_Jamaica

Saying: Wanti wanti cyaan get it, and get it get it no want it.
Translation: Those who want something really badly can’t get it, yet others who get don’t want similar things get it easily.
Meaning: Count your blessings and don’t take what you have for granted.

Saying: Cockroach no business inna fowl fight.
Translation: A cockroach has no place in a chicken fight.
Meaning: Don’t interfere in things that don’t concern you.

Saying: Dawg nyam yuh supper.
Translation: The dog ate your supper.
Meaning: You have lost your opportunity.

Saying: Trouble tek yuh, pickney shut fit yuh.
Translation: When trouble you are in trouble, even a child’s shirt will fit you.
Meaning: When faced with a bad situation, people will make any adjustments necessary to get out of it.

Saying: Rock stone ah river bottom cyaan feel sun hot.
Translation: A stone at the bottom of a river cannot feel the heat from the sun.
Meaning: Those who have an easy life cannot appreciate the difficulties others face.

Saying: Chicken merry, hawk de near.
Translation: The chicken is happy, but the hawk is nearby.
Meaning: Trouble is brewing while you’re having fun.

There you have it! Now you’re ready for a real Jamaican flex (hang out).

4 websites for finding great flight deals

If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for a good flight deal. But as with anything these days, there are a gazillion websites offering to save you money and give you more vacation bang for your buck. What are some of the best ones to bookmark or sign up for, though? It’s subjective, of course, but here are some of my faves: 

Google Flights
Powered by the biggest search engine and data housing company in the world, Google Flights is great because it has access to tons of information. What’s nice is it doesn’t only find you very affordable options, it also allows you to search by date range and vacation interest. You can type in the time-frame in which you want to travel and the departure airport, and then it gives you suggestions for various locations. And it is FAST! 

Google ITA Matrix
This search tool uses the same software as Google Flights, and its best asset is that it gives you the cheapest fare. However, flights may not have the most convenient connection times, and sometimes the fares quoted don’t include meals or you can run into issues like hidden baggage fees. So read the airlines’ fine print carefully. Perhaps the best thing about it, though, is the ability to search for transfer flights and open-jaw tickets (i.e. connections through multiple cities). The only other bummer is you can’t book a ticket through ITA Matrix directly. Find what works for you, then note the suggestions and use that information to book directly with the airline or an online travel agency (OTA) like Expedia or Priceline.

If you relish true spontaneity, this is the search tool for you. Airfarewatchdog‘s specialty is monitoring airlines for flash sales and discounts, and it has racked up quite a reputation for finding glitch fares (i.e. significantly reduced fares due to a computer error). To make things easy, the site allows you to register for email notifications based on your target location and desired travel dates, then it sends you a message when the price drops. The caveat here is that many of these deals are last minute, so if you must have your vacation time cleared way in advance of your trip, this one may not work for you. 

Skyscanner, like Kayak and Priceline, is a fare comparison site underpinned by the meta-search function. Perhaps because it is a British company and has agreements with more overseas partners, it tends to have better options on international fares. The other two mentioned are great for domestic fares (US).

Bags packed? Let’s go!